Positive Pivot: iReview.com Transforms Online Reputations

Positive Pivot: iReview.com Transforms Online Reputations

Welcome, business owners and entrepreneurs, to the world of online reputation management. In today's smartphone age, an organization’s online reputation awareness makes or breaks its success. Think about it, most restaurants underperform, and most restaurants are under 4.5 stars, so…it’s a statistical guarantee that you will significantly underperform or go out of business with a low Google star rating. With the rise of social media, Google reviews, and customer feedback, it's essential to monitor and manage your brand's image online. Fortunately, there are reputation management platforms like iReview.com that can help businesses stay on top of their online presence and proactively engage in reputation improvement. In this article, we'll explore what a reputation management platform is, how it works, and the benefits it can provide to companies of all sizes and industries. We'll also discuss the features to look for when choosing a platform, the cost involved, and a feeling for how quickly you can expect to see results. So let's dive in and discover how reputation management platforms, like iReview, help your business thrive in today's digital landscape.

What is a reputation management platform, and how does it work?

A reputation management platform is a tool that helps businesses manage and monitor their reputation score by collecting and analyzing customer feedback, reviews and mentions across the web.

The iReview platform uses sophisticated algorithms to track and analyze online sentiment, identify positive or negative keyword trends, and provide other insights that can help businesses make data-driven decisions to improve their reputation.

What are the benefits of using a reputation management platform for my business?

First of, A one-star increase in a business's Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue because 91% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. So, first impressions are everything, whether it’s a job interview, a first date, or showing up in court, you want to be initially viewed as a classy, professional, which garners respect. A low-rated business is most likely not going to be respected, and it’s just going to accumulate more 4 or sub-4-star reviews. The low-rated business also can’t command high prices so it attracts more low-paying customers which tend to be those that complain most often since they are price sensitive. You must receive a high-rated Google business page to set the stage for better customers which attracts even more great customers, and higher sales, everyone is happy. 

A reputation management platform like iReview allows you to monitor and manage your online reputation in real-time, giving you the ability to quickly identify and respond to any negative feedback or reviews. This can help prevent potential reputational damage and improve customer satisfaction. And just in case you’re wondering, no, iReview doesn’t engage in gating, iReview is actually a Google partner! Google partners are expected to adhere to the strict guideline, which includes not engaging in gating. Gating refers to the practice of soliciting only positive reviews from customers while suppressing negative reviews. This practice is not allowed by Google, and they take violations very seriously.

Now that you know iReview conducts itself professionally, let’s look at how the platform handles your online image.

How can iReview help me monitor and improve my online reviews?

iReview helps businesses track and monitor testimonials across hundreds of platforms, including Google, Facebook, Yelp, and more. You will be able to see all mentions about your organization from one single dashboard, talk about convenience! Forget about having multiple tabs open, or neglecting to check one social media network so that a 1-star review trends along unnoticed. Nope, iReview enables businesses to quickly identify and respond to negative feedback. This is critical since 94% of customers will avoid a business if they read negative reviews about it.

Additionally, iReview provides tools to solicit feedback from customers, did you know that 66% of consumers will leave a review if asked to do so?  iReview makes it possible for you to accumulate a plethora of 5-star reviews from customers that are subconsciously just for you to ask! If you’d only asked, maybe you wouldn’t even be in your status quo!

Thus, iReview maximizes both reputation monitoring and 5-star accumulation.

How does iReview handle online mentions and social media activity related to my brand?

iReview catches everything mentioned about your brand, you will be notified the moment something is posted with your name.

Can iReview help me respond to negative reviews and customer feedback?

There are two ways iReview handles online mentions. The first is to allow your organization to respond, the second is to sign up for iReviews full-service option and let their specialists tactfully manage any disgruntled customer.

Regardless of whether the online mention is positive or negative, it’s important to remember that reviews built trust, this cannot be emphasized enough. Even though negative reviews suck, if they get posted, it's not the end of the world because leaving a genuine and empathetic response yields approval and respect among prospective customers reading through your testimonials. So, don't lose too much sleep over a 1-star review, just make sure you are aware of a negative review as fast as possible, hence using a reputation management platform like iReview is useful since it will notify you immediately! 

Can you provide examples of iReviews success?


iReview has helped businesses yield the following results:

Mondrian South Beach, Miami - 2x their reviews in just 2 years while avoiding a 1-star drop in average rating. Note the word "average rating" since iReview is running its reputation analysis over 440 sources of where testimonials stem from, it's important for an organization to have a high rating amongst all of them, most of all Google!

Ori'Zaba's, Las Vegas - Increased its average rating from 3.6-stars to 4.6-stars in just 6 months

Denny's, Orlando - Increased its Google rating from 3.9 stars with approximately 2,000 reviews in September 2022 to 4.4 stars backed by over 7,000 reviews in January 2023. Simultaneously, increasing its Yelp rating from 3.5 to 4.2 stars. When was the last time you've seen a Denny's with a high online business rating? Exactly, iReview works!

How Much Does This Cost?

$99/month - which goes down if you add more business locations

$199/month for iReview’s full-service option, where the organization responds to all testimonials for you and mitigates disgruntled customers with owner-approved remedies.


Using a reputation management platform can help you build a strong brand image. The iReview platform helps you start accruing a record number of 5-star reviews. You will be amazed at how easy it is to start pushing up that star rating backed by a crowd of happy customers. By actively engaging with customers, responding to feedback, and monitoring things said about you online,

You can confidently aim for a +4.5-star Google rating using iReview, backed by thousands of testimonials. Know that your competitors are probably not taking their reputation seriously, so you should jump on this opportunity and start taking it seriously. The sooner you take reputation management seriously, the sooner you can outperform in sales, iReview.